You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund, minus any restocking fees charged by the distributor. Restocking fees typically range between 15-25% based on the product and distributor. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer unless the return is due to an error on our part (such as receiving an incorrect or defective item).
Return Shipping Costs:
- Buyer-Initiated Returns: You will be responsible for covering return shipping if you no longer want the item.
- Our Error: If the return is due to an incorrect or defective item, will cover the return shipping costs.
Damaged Items During Shipping
If your order is damaged during shipping:
- Contact customer service within 48 hours of delivery.
- Provide photographic evidence of the damage.
- Retain the original packaging for inspection.
We will work quickly to resolve the issue and provide the appropriate remedy, such as a replacement or refund.
Refund Timeline
You can expect your refund within four weeks of returning the item to the shipping carrier. In many cases, refunds are processed sooner. This timeline includes:
- Transit Time: 5-10 business days for the item to be delivered to our facility.
- Return Processing: 3-5 business days to inspect and process the return.
- Bank Processing: 5-10 business days for your bank to process the refund to your account.
How to Return an Item
To initiate a return, please Contact Us with your order number and details about the item you wish to return. We will provide return instructions and assist you through the process.
Contact Information:
- Email:
- Phone: (707) 720-3725