Transom Mount; 12 Pin; 800 Ft For Traditional 200 Ft For ClearVü 500 Ft For SideVü And 125 Ft For UHD SideVü Maximum Depth; 150-240 kHz For High-Band CHIRP 800 kHz For UHD ClearVü 455 kHz For SideVü And 1200 kHz For UHD SideVü Operating Frequency; 0 To 70 Degree Transom Angle; 350 Watts; 20 Feet Cable; With Transom And Trolling Motor Mounts; 24-16 Degree Traditional 0.94x60 Degree ClearVü 1.62x50 Degree SideVü And 0.441x52 Degree UHD SideVü Beamwidth; For Depth And Temperature
Factory Warranty